29 November, 2008

Parental Alienation - Invented by a Pedophile

Parental Alienation was invented by Dr Richard Gardner.
How much do you know about Dr Gardner.

1. Abuse can be enjoyable for the child.
2. Rape is the price to be paid to receive sperm
3. if a father abuses a child, tell him what he did was natural.

You CANNOT believe this man.
He's off his rocker.
We've put his quotes into a video - make up your own mind.

But whenever someone quotes PAS, remember this nutter invented it.

If a child claims abuse - it should be made to live with its father and the mother jailed.

How many children in care homes have suffered abuse because of PAS.

We must wipe out PAS from every court in every country, our children have a voice. This pedophile was trying to silence abuse victims, isolate them, and force them to live with their abuser. But don't take our word for it - check out his quotes....


  1. Here is a brief summary of the FR agenda:

    - Promote mandated shared parenting (the problem is that this has been allowing abusers to get custody or to maintain control over ex-wives; many FR advocates believe a violent dad is better than no dad at all).

    - Lower or stop child support payments.

    - Claim domestic violence is mutual.

    - Attack services for female victims of violence (sue shelters; try to restrict restraining orders; attack the Violence Against Women Act, which provides funding for family violence, rape and stalking in the US).

    - Discredit women by calling them false accusers (in domestic violence, child abuse, sexual abuse and rape).

    - Use syndromes like PAS to discredit women and get custody of children.


  2. This parental alienation theory is not science. It is a philosophy made up by a victim blaming, pro-pedophilia man. He was sick in the head. I agree, anyone following his philosphies and using them against women and children must have the same sort of values. Since incest, rape, and child abuse are all illiegal, there needs to be public denouncement of this pro-pedophilia theory by congress. The Rind study that was also being used to justify pro-pedophilia ideas was denounced in a public resolution by congress. The same needs to happen with this parental alienation syndrome theory, and any other theory based on victim blaming. The trauma that the children endure who are victimized by unethical professionals profiteering off the use of this case cannot be measured by any known standards. These children will never trust anyone.

    For more info on fighting back against this parental alienation fraud, check out:

    Parental Alienation Witch Hunt at

  3. Great job getting the word out about abused children being victimized by parental alienation.
    This re-victimization of child abuse victims needs to be stopped.

    For more info on how to fight back and expose this scandal, go to:

    battered Moms Lose Children to Abusers at
