17 May, 2009

Your Love is Hate

A battered woman's letter to her mate. By Simonne Liberty.


"You call the shots" is what you say

everything must be your way

Everything I do, I do for you

and you always expect me to

I sacrifice and go without for you

everything I do is to try and please you

there is never a "we" or "us" in your plan

you do what you want and I "better understand"

you dare me to try and get my way

so you can beat me and make me pay

your fists are your controlling tools

making you the master who rules

your cruel, cold lies are destroying my life

I have become sorry I became your wife

I have become your human punching bag

and I'm feeling like a useless old hag

I have no life of my own

I am your prisoner in my own home

you enjoy me being terrified of you

and you keep me that way in all you do

I am your hostage to torture at will

I'm your victim you desire to kill

you say "you're sorry and really care,"

those lies have been keeping me there

as soon as you see I've believed you again

you burn back into committing the same old sin

Your idea of love is to hurt and control

feeding your ego with violence as being bold

you can't understand or see

how your actions are killing me

how would you act if I did this to you?

I wish that you only knew

I don't believe that you will ever stop

because you always need to be on top

it crushes your sensitivity

to treat me kind, loving and gently

"Love begets love" is what is said

but your violence makes love dead

you are tearing up all I have to give

by not allowing me to safely live

I've given up on all the questions of why

because I can see you'll never try

you express your love in violence and hate

I need to leave you before it's too late

you will never understand me

because control by violence is all you see

I feel sorry for you

I truly and really do

because the hate you inflict on me

is the hate for yourself you can't see

you refuse to accept the evil you do

blaming me and others for what YOU do

you're destroying yourself sure and true

and I refuse to go down with you

you have no right to beat and control me

I deserve to be loved and fear free

your hate called love, is the reason why

I am forced to bid you a FINAL GOOD BYE!

1 comment:

  1. "Love begets love" is what is said

    but your violence makes love dead

    you are tearing up all I have to give

    by not allowing me to safely live

    I've given up on all the questions of why

    because I can see you'll never try

    you express your love in violence and hate

    I need to leave you before it's too late
